Sunday 1 November 2009

Class Feedback

After completing our rough draft of the music video we showed the class a preview and asked them all to list a few positive points and a few negative points about our music video. The two main criticisms that kept cropping up were:

Needs more shots and cuts of the performance, using different camera angles

Narrative could be a bit clearer

Both of these points we had already considered however hearing it from the class made us realise these were things that we definitely need to improve upon.
During the filming of the band performance we took footage from many different camera angles using both the tripod and a hand held camera. Despite the fact we had a variety of footage the shots that we choose to use for our rough cut were all very similar, this was due to both time restraints and our judgement. When creating the final draft of the music video we should definitely use all the different camera angles we have and use a lot of fast cuts in time to the beat of the music, this is what our target audience have requested therefore doing this I feel will make our video more popular.
We had already had discussions within the group about whether or not the narrative should be clearer or not. As we want our video to be concept based we felt that the ambiguity was a good thing. Looking at the feedback from the class some people have said that they felt the narrative was clear and others said that they liked the fact it was unclear, however the majority of responses said that the narrative was unclear and confusing, because of this I feel we must add to it. We should shoot a lot more footage which will explain the storyline better and show the separation of the two characters and hopefully make it clear that they are lost and lonely and trying to discover each other. In order to do this we have considered getting footage of younger actresses, showing the characters when they were little, representing the strong bond and friendship that they have. We should also capture the moment when they are separated from each other, which will hopefully make things a lot clearer for the viewer.
Other comments we received were:

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