Wednesday 25 November 2009

Diary of the Making of Our Music Video

27th September - 30th October: Shooting the life cycle of a rose, Brooke's Bedroom.
24th September: Filming the original narrative footage of Christie and Sarah, Cullercoats Bay.
1st October: Filming of the original performance footage of our band, Drama Hall.
30th October: Filming more narrative footage of Christie and Sarah, Cullercoats Bay.
7th November: Filming of the characters as children, Whitley Bay Beach.
19th November: Filming new band footage, St Marys Lighthouse, Whitley Bay.

Editing the rose using Premier Elements

For the first video I imported the clips into premier elements, clip by clip. I then exported the whole video as one. I opened a new project and imported the movie. To get the rose to open and die quickly I had to speed up the video from 6.00.00 minutes to 00.13.00 seconds. This made the rose look jerky and created the effect I wanted. This is shown below

I then explored the effects on Premier Elements; I found no effects that I could use to make the video look a authentic old film. I then looked further and found a effect on Windows Movie Maker. There were several different effects that I could chose from, including different styles from different Eras.
I found two different effects that I liked, these are shown below:

After lots of discussion with our group we decide to use effect 1 this is because it showed the detail of the rose, where as the older effect look away all the hard work we put in when editing each picture.
This is the final edit:

At the end of our music video we decide to do a rewind of all that happens in the video, we then rewound the rose footage to Finnish the music video off. I did this by selecting the time stretch key and reversed the speed, from forwards to backwards. This rewound the whole opening of the rose. So the rose died and came to life.

Editing the Rose on Photoshop

To follow the theme of our narrative we have decided to put the rose in black and white except the rose head this fitted with the ‘arty’ look that was constant through our video.

For the photos of the rose to look professional, I have decided to edit each photo one by one using Photoshop. This required a lot of patients and hard work.
First I uploaded photo 1 onto a new blank background. I then using the magic wand tool select the outside of the rose and used the erase colour tool, this on a short cut was: Ctrl Shift U. I did this to make it quicker than pressing on the colour settings. This erased the background colour which left me with an off black background.
To make the stork and leafs of the rose in black and white. I had to select the area using the magnetic lasso tool, making sure that I did not select the rose head as this was staying in colour. Then when selected I used the Ctrl Shirt U key to erase the colour this left the rose stork ad leafs grey. I then zoomed into the photograph using the + sign on the keyboard to find any areas that I did not select. I used the magic wand to correct the areas I missed.
This is the before and after of editing the photographs


After editing photos 1-131 I imported them into Adobe Premier Elements

Changes between Rough Cut and Final Cut

There are significant differences between our rough cut and the final edit of our video. I feel these have hugely improved the quality of the video, the storyline and impact that the video has upon the viewer.
The issues that were raised when we previewed the rough cut to the class was the blandness of the performance footage and the fact that the narrative wasn't particularly clear. We brain stormed as a group to come up with solutions to these problems. It was evident that we were going to have to collect a lot more footage. To start with we got extra footage of Christie and Sarah on the beach and in the caves. We took some footage of them walking along the pier to show the characters being lost and we also took some footage of key lyrics from the song written in the sand, helping to link the song lyrics with the visuals. I wrote these key lyrics in a script-like font to help connect this to the DVD cover and advert.
In order to make our narrative make sense to the viewer we decided the best idea would be to get footage of younger girls, showing our characters when they were children and emphasising how their friendship and been lost and rediscovered. We took the younger girls down to the beach and got footage of them playing together. We wanted to convay to the viewer that this footage was in the past, as the narrative was already in black and white we needed to think of another way of giving an old fashioned, nostalgic effect. We decided to use the same technique as we were using for the rose footage, stop motion. We took still images of the children and put them together on premier elements to create a moving image. We wanted the "note motif" to be slightly clearer without being too obvious and whilst maintaining a certain ambiguity. To achieve this we took photographs of the children holding and passing the note, these were then fitted into the video next to the footage of Christie and Sarah passing the note to help emphasis the relevance of the note.
As well as this we were also very unhappy with the band performance footage that we had, we came to the conclusion that we were going to have to re-shoot it. The main problem with the band footage was the setting and the lighting, to change this completely and to link the performance with the narrative we decided to shoot the performance at the beach outside of St Marys lighthouse, as well as looking effective the lighthouse also adheres to Goodwins theory and the notion of looking. This is particuarly relevant to our video as it represents being lost and being found, as if a fog has lifted.
We went down to the beach at 7.30 am and set up the band and camera equiptment. We took footage from various different camera angles using a variety of different movements. The lighting was perfect as the sun was beginning to rise in the east. This footage was so much better than our original footage, we were all very pleased with it and confident that we'd beable to edit in a way that would greatly improve the video. I feel in the end we have done this.

Final Music Video

Final Advert

Final DVD

DVD Label

DVD Insert Page

DVD Cover