Thursday 24 September 2009

Audience Research

As a group we put together a Questionnaire in order to find out what our target audience actually want from a music video.
The target audience we have selected is young people aged 14-20 years, both male and female. Our video will be directed mostly at people with interests in the pop-rock genre of music. Because of this we asked these kinds of people. Most of the questions are written in open format so that the participant is free to answer the question in whatever way they like without being guided to a specific answer. I feel this is better as we will discover more information about the needs of our target audience. The questions we asked are as follows:

1. What gender are you?

2. How old are you?

3. Which element of a music video do you prefer?

4. Would you prefer a video including:
Whole band
Solo artist

5. Which is your favourite music channel?

6. In your opinion, what makes a music video interesting?

7. What type of music video do you prefer?

8. What do you use to view music videos?

9. What is your favourite music video and why?

10. How often do you what music videos?

11. What genre of music do you like to watch in a music video?

I recorded several participants giving their answers, here are a few responses:

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